Betekenis van:
lay claim

to lay claim
  • eisen dat iets of iem. waarop men recht heeft, wordt overgegeven
  • demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to






  1. Only wines of Luxembourg origin that have not been blended with foreign wine and which comply with the national and European requirements can lay claim to this designation.
  2. Furthermore it is appropriate to lay down rules for reporting the results of the surveys and for the eligibility of the costs contained in the financial claim for a financial participation of the Community to the costs incurred by Member States for the implementation of the programme.
  3. Furthermore, it is appropriate to lay down rules for reporting the results of the surveys and for the eligibility of the costs contained in the financial claim for a financial participation of the Community to the costs incurred by Member States for the implementation of the programme.
  4. Furthermore, it is appropriate to lay down rules for reporting the results of the surveys and for the eligibility of the costs contained in the financial claim for a Community financial contribution for the costs incurred by Member States for the implementation of the survey programmes.
  5. Restructuring costs: according to the Belgian authorities, the lay-off of 2770 Ford Genk employees in the period 2003-2004 cannot be regarded as normal restructuring in response to a change in market circumstances. On the contrary, the workforce reduction, which was implemented in full compliance with social legislation and after consultation with staff representatives, has resulted in a drastic change in the organisation of the plant. However, it led to the sudden departure of the most experienced workers, i.e. those able to train their younger colleagues. Under these circumstances, and in order to avoid having to use external coaches, the company decided to ask a number of these workers to continue in service just to provide training. Launch costs: the Belgian authorities claim that this case is the not same as normal training that takes place following a total or partial renewal of an existing model.